Nutrition and Your Health

eating healthy nutrition

Good health is dependent on good nutrition, so much so that doctors trace many physical and emotional illnesses back to a diet deficient in vitamins and minerals.

One of the most important and obvious connections between fitness and nutrition is that following a good nutrition routine can provide you more energy which in turn can encourage a regular fitness program.

Part of staying healthy, is knowing the benefits of exercise, living according to appropriate lifestyle habits, healthy dietary choices and generally keeping stress levels as low as possible.


The forgoing is an excerpt from my new e-bookNutrition and Your Health…Tips to Eat Well and Live Healthy.” e-book cover to Nutrition and Your health

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Autumn Harvest and the Benefits of Arugula (part 3)


Another vegetable in our series of Autumn Harvest the Benefits of…

The first one is Autumn Harvest and the Benefits of Tomatoes (part 1)

The second one is Autumn Harvest and the Benefits of Sweet Potatoes (part 2)

The third vegetable in the autumn harvest is arugula. Actually it is a leafy green.

Arugula is a cool-weather crop. Long days and warm weather make it bolt, or flower, and bring an unpleasantly bitter flavor to the leaves. Wild arugula is foraged in spring and again in the autumn. Cultivated arugula is grown year-round, due to coastal, temperate growing areas and winter greenhouses.

Arugula is a dark green, peppery leaf that works equally well in salads or as a cooked green. It is available year-round, but is best when the weather is mild.

Smaller arugula leaves tend to be milder, while larger leaves tend to have a more aggressive, peppery kick.

Smaller leaves are great in salads on their own or combined with other leafy greens.

It’s excellent for using as a garnish, since the leaves have plenty of kick and other raw preparations where its intense peppery flavor can be appreciated.

Most leafy greens are very low in calories, but not all give you a good dose of nutrients like arugula (spinach tops the list though). Compared to Iceberg lettuce, arugula contains about eight times the calcium, five times the vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K, and four times the iron.

Arugula is classified as a cruciferous vegetable like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. The health benefit of eating cruciferous vegetables is their ability to protect against certain cancers. These benefits are found in some compounds called glucosinolates. In our bodies, glucosinolates are converted to isothiocyanates, which are thought to regulate immune function and play a role in cancer prevention.

The Science behind Arugula

If you are wondering about glucosinolates, they are organic compounds that contain sulfur and nitrogen and are derived from glucose and an amino acid. Isothiocyanates are sulphur containing chemicals, which in large amounts are toxic. The vegetable does not contain this chemical at start, but is a reaction when the vegetable is chewed or chopped, the cell membranes break down and they come in contact with an enzyme, which in turn hydrolizes the glucosinolates, and turns them into the phytonutrient isothiocyanates which makes it a cancer prevention chemical.

Eating arugula among other leafy greens like spinach, beet greens, Swiss chard and kale; arugula is a great way to get a healthy range of carotenoids. Scientific studies have shown carotenoids to help in the prevention of diseases like cancer as mentioned in the prior paragraph and macular degeneration.

If you haven’t had the leafy green arugula, then you need to try it at least once. Knowing the health benefits of adding this leafy green to your diet should be reason enough to try it. Eat and be Healthy.

For more information about how food correlates to a healthy you visit: Savor the Food and Your Health.


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Article Sources:

Livestrong – Benefits of Arugula

Wikipedia about Glucosinlates

Isothiocyanates at Eating Well on the Plant Earth


What Your Liver, Uric Acid and the Dandelion have in Common

a field of dandelions

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) reports that Native American and traditional Arabic practitioners are among those using dandelion as a useful medicine. The dandelion is an herbaceous plant that really is much more than just a nuisance in your yard. For all purposes, the dandelion leaves are at their best just as they emerge from the ground and they are very distinct as nothing really resembles them at all. Depending on when you harvest the dandelion leaves, they can be bitter, but it is an appealing bitterness.

The leaves are considered an herb and blend nicely with salads and do well either sautéed or steamed. Many claim the taste is similar to that of endive. People who are into eating the fruits of nature claim that it is perfectly acceptable to eat the dandelion flower as well. Some claim that they make outstanding fritters if they are battered up and fried and also make a colorful contribution to any stir-fry.

Dandelion leaves are extremely nutritious, much more so than any herb that can be purchased in the store. They are higher in beta-carotene than carrots and they have more iron and calcium than spinach. Dandelion leaves are also full of vitamins B-1, B-2, B-5, B-6, B-12, C, E, P, D, biotin, inositol, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. The Dandelion root is one of the safest and most popular herbal remedies on the market and is widely used today.

Traditionally, it can be made into a tonic that is known for strengthening the entire body, especially the liver and gallbladder because it promotes the flow of bile. Dandelion root contains taraxacin and can reduce inflammation to the bile ducts and reduces the chance of gallstones. It is commonly used for Hepatitis, liver swelling, and jaundice. It also helps with indigestion and the reduction of excess build up uric acid in the body.

Roasted Dandelion root

When used as a tea made by the leaves or the root, it acts as a diuretic on the kidneys. Over the counter diuretics will deplete potassium out of the body, but not the dandelion. Dandelion root tea has helped some actually avoid surgery for kidney stones. They are really good for overall health and well-being so anyone can benefit from a cup of dandelion tea. Many herbalists say when incorporating the dandelion plant into your planned dinners each night, will assist in easier digestion.

When you take a dandelion plant and break the stem you will find a milky white substance inside. This substance is great for removing warts, pimples, moles, calluses, soothing of bee stings, and blisters. Some other things that dandelion has been popular in the past for is making dandelion jam and others use it for a coffee substitute when the root is roasted and ground. Many also drink dandelion wine, fermented from the blossoms or the plant.

Today, Europeans use dandelion roots to make herbal medicines and find it hard to believe that Americans refer to this highly beneficial plant as a weed when it has such positive benefits for the liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder, and stomach.

Other Benefits

A study reported in the May 2008 “International Journal of Oncology” says that an extract from dandelion root blocked the invasion of breast cancer cells, but more studies needed to be done.

At University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) notes that dandelion root promotes digestion and can improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract’s natural bacteria.

It was also reported by the National Institute of Health (NIH) to be beneficial to liver health. The report noted that people with hepatitis B had shown improvement in liver function after taking an herbal mixture that included dandelion root.

Studies done with diabetic rats showed that the use of “dandelion water extract” altered liver antioxidant activates, reduced blood glucose levels and improved lipid profiles.

Side Effects

The dandelion is generally safe for consumption, though some people may have an allergic reaction to the milky white substance in the stem and leaves. Dandelion root should not be taken with pharmaceutical diuretics or drugs that have a diuretic action as it may intensify the diuretic effect. People who are taking medications for diabetes should use dandelion with caution, as it may intensify the blood sugar lowering effects of those drugs.

Over all, the dandelion is a safe plant or herb for consumption as a food, wine or for helping with what ails you.


What are the Benefits of Dandelion Root? Livestrong 

Ultimate Fat Burner

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Better Health Starts with Your Choice of Food

choising between healthy and unhealthy food

The following is a list of just some of the healthiest food choices that you can choose to be healthy.  This will help you get an idea as to what foods are the best for your body.



Apricots contain Beta-carotene which helps to prevent radical damage and also helps to protect the eyes.  A single apricot contains 17 calories, 0 fat, and one gram of fiber.  You can eat them dried or fresh.


A medium sized mango packs 57 mg of vitamin C, which is nearly your entire daily dose (75 mg for an adult 18 or older).  This antioxidant will help prevent arthritis and also boost your immune system because of having vitamins A, B6 and potassium.  One cup of sliced mango contains 135 calories, 0 fat, 1.1 grams of protein.


Cantaloupes contain 117 mg of vitamin C, which is almost twice the recommended dose.  Half a melon contains 853 mg of potassium, which is nearly twice as much as a banana, which helps to lower blood pressure.  Half a melon contains 97 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 2 grams of fiber.


A tomato can help cut the risk of bladder, stomach, and colon cancers in half if you eat one daily. A tomato contains 26 calories, 0 fat, and only 1 gram of fiber.

The reason why the tomato is placed here as a fruit, is because it is botanically a fruit; it is considered a vegetable for culinary purposes. Vegetables do not contain citric acid were as fruits do; and tomatoes poses citric acid. The fact is the U.S. congress in the late 1800’s declared the tomato a vegetable.



An onion can help to protect against cancer.  A cup of onions offers 61 calories, 0 fat, and 3 grams of fiber.


Broccoli can help protect against breast cancer, and it also contains a lot of vitamin C and beta-carotene.  One cup of chopped broccoli contains 25 calories, 0 fat, and 3 grams of fiber.


Spinach contains carotenoids that can help fend off macular degeneration, which is a major cause of blindness in older people.  One cup contains 7 calories, 0 fat, and 1 gram of fiber.

Grains, beans, and nuts


Peanuts and other nuts can lower your risk of heart disease by 20 percent.  One ounce contains 166 calories, 14 grams of fat, and over 2 grams of fiber.

Pinto beans

A half cut of pinto beans offers more than 25 percent of your daily folate requirement, which protects you against heart disease.  Half a cup contains 103 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 6 grams of fiber.


Skim milk Skim milk offers vitamin B2, which is important for good vision and energy along with Vitamin A which may improve allergies.  You also get calcium and vitamin D as well.  One cup contains 86 calories, o fat, and 0 grams of fiber.


All cold water fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids, which help to reduce the risk of cardiac disease. A 3 ounce portion of salmon contains 127 calories, 4 grams of fat and 0 fiber.

We encourage you to read and investigate what the world’s healthiest foods are and include them in your daily meals.

Also include plenty of pure water and at least 30 minutes of walking, jogging or cycling daily for the best health you can achieve.

setting example for child in healthy eating

I would just like to add if we are parents or grandparents, lets set the example to the young children in our lives and eat healthy foods. We teach them a lot for their future benefit and food choices should be one of them. We would like to offer our readers a FREE e-book “Nutrition for Kids…Essential Nutrients for Children All Parents Should know.” Link here to claim the FREE e-book.

You may be interest to read these articles as well:

Food is not Your Enemy and the Reason for Being Unhealthy 

Changing How you Eat

Becoming a Healthier Eater

Link here for more information on how food correlates to a healthy YOU…CLICK


Breakfast Tip

e-book about importance of breakfast and not skipping it.

Breakfast for Your Health

A material call gelatinous found in foods rich in soluble fiber, forms during digestion and slows the absorption of nutrients from these foods. Foods that are high in both soluble fiber and carbohydrates, such as apples, prunes, beans or oatmeal, break down more slowly as a result of their fiber content, which prolongs the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose, a crucial source of energy for your brain and muscles.
A slower release of glucose results in a sustained release of energy and a less significant increase in your blood sugar. Eating foods that contain soluble fiber helps you keep your blood sugar stable, which may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Get your FREE 16-page e-book “Breakfast for Your Health”, which contains 9 breakfast recipes that promote sustained release of energy. Combine any one of these 9 with the soluble fiber sources mentioned above, and you can prevent type II diabetes, have controlled weight, and longer sustained time of energy.

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Nitric Oxide and What it Means to You

nitric oxide molecules in the blood vessels

What is nitric oxide (N.C.) and how does it play its part in you being healthy? NC is a gas that cannot be measured and when it hits the air it disappears. A procedure doctors could use is inserting electrodes into your blood vessels, but would be an expensive procedure. You cannot take nitric oxide as a supplement again because it is a gas.

How It Works

Nitric oxide is a molecule produced by cells in the inner lining of blood vessels. A signaling molecule fits into receptors on cell walls and triggers biochemical reactions.

People who suffer from arthritis and joint inflammation can experience relief with higher levels of nitric oxide, as it activates the anti-inflammation mechanism in the body to reduce inflammation.

It boosts the immune system to fight off infections.

It has also been established that high levels of nitric oxide can prevent the growth of cancer cells or tumors in the body. Cancer cells grow in a low to non-oxygenated environment. Nitric oxide increase oxygen to all extremities of the body therefore suffocating cancer cells.

Nitric Oxide and Your Health

Nitric oxide helps prevent heart disease and stroke because the gas expands blood vessels.  It protects the blood vessel’s muscle tissue from harmful constriction and thus allowing blood to flow or circulate with less force. Studies on N.C. have reported elevating the gas in hypertensive patients can lower blood pressure by 10 to 60 points. The same studies showed that those that take statin drugs can lower the doses by 50%. This would mean that N.C. is important in controlling cholesterol levels.

In early adulthood, nitric oxide levels gradually decline, most likely due to damage to the endothelial cells caused by such factors as a high-fat diet and a sedentary lifestyle. So how can one increase the levels of nitric oxide?

Boosting the Levels

Eating foods that have the ability to produce the gas in your blood would the optimum thing to do to increase the levels in your blood stream. Eating foods that contain an amino acid called L arginine. The benefits are:

  • Expands blood vessels and blood flow to all extremities of your body
  • Regulates enzymes and hormones
  • Lessens diabetic complications
  • Stimulates insulin release from the pancreas
  • Neutralizes ammonia in the body promoting liver detoxification
  • Reduces stress

In most cases, the body maintains an adequate supply of L-arginine on its own with a proper diet. L-arginine-rich foods include plant and animal proteins, such as dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, and nuts.

A warning though; too much L-arginine can have adverse effects as well.  Supplementation would not be advised as food sources can be sufficient. Drawbacks are taking higher dosages of L-arginine ups the chances of experiencing excessive side-effects, from a marked increase in existing allergic reactions to difficulty breathing. Patients with gastro esophageal disease or GERD are advised to avoid L-arginine supplementation, as an increase in stomach acid production has been linked to the amino acid. Those with a sexually transmitted disease such as herpes should avoid supplementation. Pregnant or nursing women should also not take these supplements (Livestrong)

Always consult with your medical adviser if you do have any concerns.

Other ways to boost your NC levels is with L-citrulline. This amino acid is produced by the body and can be found in sources outside the body, such as in watermelon. Unlike L-arginine, studies done since 2011 show no known side-effects of taking extra L-citrulline have been known to occur. Regardless, pregnant or lactating women or women who plan to become pregnant should seek the advice of their physician or obstetrician prior to beginning supplementation of L-citrulline or any vitamin supplement.

Food sources containing L-citrulline are:

  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Garbanzo beans
  • Chick peas
  • Peanuts
  • Soy
  • Cucumbers
  • Melons
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Salmon
  • Red meat

L-citrulline is necessary for detoxifying the liver from ammonia, which is a waste product left over after oxidation in the body.

Vitamin C and vitamin E reduce oxidation in the blood vessels and help increase nitric oxide. Vitamin C also reduces arterial plaque, which in turn increases higher levels of nitric oxide. You can get vitamin C from foods like bell peppers and green leafy vegetables.

Warning though, it is not advised to take high doses of Vitamin E supplements. Recent studies suggest taking daily doses of 400 IU or higher may make the patient more susceptible to heart disease and other illnesses.

In short, a good healthy diet with added daily rigorous activity (like walking, jogging, cycling) can increase your levels of Nitric Oxide. If you still have concerns then supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals. But always be informed so a good thing will not play havoc on your health later.

Knowledge is health, eat and be healthy.

Recommended Supplementation

Amino Acid 750 Mg 60VC

Alive Liquid Multi-Vitamin Liquid 30 Oz


Sources: Alternetive Medicine 


Livestrong Foods Containing Citrulline 

Image source:


Autumn Harvest and the Benefits of Sweet Potatoes (part 2)

sweet potatoes

Part one of “Autumn Harvest and the Benefits of”, was about tomatoes ( Autumn Harvest and the Benefits of Tomatoes (part 1) ) and the article ended saying, ” Look for our next article on a favorite fall vegetable, the Sweet Potato.”

The most commonly purchased sweet potatoes are an orange fleshed root vegetable and are one of nature’s unsurpassed sources of beta-carotene. This vegetable contains between 100 to 1600 micrograms of vitamin A for every 3.5 ounces. That is just about 90% of your daily need of vitamin A.

To receive the benefits of the sweet potato it is best to eat it with some other food containing fat. Research has shown eating a minimum of 3 to 5 grams of fat per meal increases the uptake of beta-carotene from the sweet potato. One example of a fat could be 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.

Research has also shown that steaming the vegetable over roasted it has shown better blood sugar control and therefore making it a low glycemic index food of 17 compared to the white potato that has a GI of 29.

Benefits of the Sweet Potato

In one cup of sweet potatoes you will find:

  • vitamin A 438.1%
  • vitamin C 37.2%
  • manganese 28.4%
  • vitamin B6 16.5%
  • tryptophan 15.6%
  • potassium 15.4%
  • fiber 15%
  • vitamin B5 10.1%
  • copper 9%
  • vitamin B3 8.5%

These vitamins just mentioned play an important function as cofactors for various enzymes during metabolism and in turn keep you healthy.

Sweet potatoes provide a good amount of vital minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and potassium that are very essential for enzyme, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism.

The green leaves are more nutritious than the tuber itself. 100 g of fresh leaves contain more iron, vitamin C, folate, vitamin K, and potassium but less sodium than the tuber.

This root vegetable is also rich in antioxidants, have shown to have antibacterial and antifungal properties. The potassium content in sweet potatoes can alleviate muscle cramps which are often related to potassium deficiency. During stressful times your body uses more potassium, so eating sweet potatoes can help protect you from the negative health effects of tension.

Vitamin A and beta-carotene found in sweet potatoes are good for your skin as well. Beta-carotene combats the free radicals which result skin aging. The ingredients in skin-care products like retinol and retinoic acid are actually derived from Vitamin A. That makes the sweet potato a better option for healthy looking skin over the pricey retinol products that are bought for that reason.

Sweet Potatoes and Oxalates

One concern though according to Livestrong website, “If you suffer from kidney or gallbladder problems talk with your doctor or healthcare professional about eating sweet potatoes. They contain a small amount of oxalates, which in high concentrations can cause kidney damage. Those with a healthy digestive tract will be better able to absorb the nutrients of sweet potatoes without suffering ill effects. As always, doing research on your specific condition and a consultation with your medical provider are recommended. (Livestrong) For more information about oxalates link here: Oxalate 

Recipes and Sweet Potatoes

Some recipes to enjoy eating that contain our featured vegetable.

Kale Salad with Chick and Sweet Potato
Ginger Sweet Potato Cheesecake
Oven Baked Sweet Potato Fries


Worlds Healthiest foods

Natural News

Nutrition and You 

Simple Formula for Improving your Eating Habits

family eating healthy

The formula is not costly and can improve your health.

Eat the following:

  • One fruit at each meal or snack (breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks= 5 servings)
  • One vegetable at lunch, dinner, and as a snack (lunch, dinner, 2 snacks= 4 servings)
  • One whole grain or starchy vegetable at every meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner= 3 servings)
  • One serving of beans or legumes per day
  • Use seeds and nuts as a healthy garnish

poor eating habits

With the poor choices we may be making now, to try and change to this formula or way of eating could be hard for us to do but not impossible. There is never a substitute for whole real foods. But with the busy lives we led and eating on the go, this could call for supplementation.  Vitamins, minerals and herbs can supplement were we would be lacking.

choicing to eat healthy

Until we can get on the right road to better health and better eating habits. Never give up keep trying and always be learning how food correlates to a healthy you.

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Autumn Harvest and the Benefits of Tomatoes (part 1)

Fall harvested fruits and vegetables

Now that autumn is here, we will be seeing a lot more fruits and vegetables in the marketplace, harvested this time of year. For the next 6 to 8 weeks is the perfect time to enjoy not only using them to prepare great food creations, but also their medicinal benefits on our health. There are several to mention, but in this article we will start with tomatoes.

young woman harvesting tomatoesTomatoes are a legitimate super food, packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals. If you are a health-conscious person then tomatoes should be a part of your eating plan.

Tomatoes can help with weight control; boost your immunity, aiding your heart to be disease free and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. A 1-cup serving of chopped tomatoes contains more than 25 g of vitamin C and a grown adult needs 75 mg daily to help optimize their immune system and over all body health.

A study on tomatoes and their role on bone health were reported in the November 2010 American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine as saying, “Lycopene and other antioxidants in tomatoes may shield bones from the damage that can contribute to low bone mass.” So if you have concerns or are fighting bone loss, apart from adding extra Vitamin D3 and calcium to your diet, tomatoes should be a regular daily food as well.

Tomatoes can also help prevent strokes and heart attacks due to the potassium and B vitamins found in this super food. The B vitamins help with absorption of the potassium and in return helps to lower blood pressure.

You can even use the skins of the tomato as an over the counter facial cleanser according to Healthmad (click here to view and scroll down to 6. Skin care).

Some medical studies have shown that tomatoes, without the seeds might lessen the risk of kidney stones and gallstone growth.

Regular consumption of tomatoes and tomato juice prevents blood clots, again making it a superfood for heart health, reducing plaque buildup on arterial walls. Tomatoes also have nicotinic acid, which helps in reducing cholesterol levels, as well as vitamins A and K, helping to prevent hemorrhages. They also contain chromium, which is great for regulating the levels of blood sugar, making this an excellent addition for those who suffer from diabetes.

Look for our next article on a favorite fall vegetable, the Sweet Potato.

Article sources:



Benefits of Tomatoes Everything Tomatoes 

Image credit:
profotokris / 123RF Stock Photo (header image of article)

kzenon / 123RF Stock Photo (woman harvesting tomatoes in her garden)

Know the Other Side of the Spice

SpicesThe saying says two sides to a coin. The same is with what is in your spice cabinet. Spices are for flavoring foods, not just main dish meals but including desserts. Spices give your palate a bang with each bit you take.

According to Wikipedia – “Spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetable substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food. Sometimes a spice is used to hide other flavors.

Spices are distinguished from herbs, which are parts of leafy green plants also used for flavoring or as a garnish. Many spices have antimicrobial properties. This may explain why spices are more commonly used in warmer climates, which have more infectious disease, and why use of spices is especially prominent in meat, which is particularly susceptible to spoiling.

A spice may have other uses, including medicinal, religious ritual, cosmetics or perfume production, or as a vegetable. For example, turmeric roots are consumed as a vegetableand garlic as an antibiotic”.

The theme of this article is “Know the Other side of the Spice”, and that is just what we are going to do. So we know the use of spices is principle for flavoring foods as Wikipedia explains. But is goes on to explain the medicinal side of the spice its antimicrobial properties.


Gingerol is an active ingredient in ginger that can relax blood vessels, stimulate blood flow and relieve pain. It is also good for helping in lowering high blood pressure. Its common use as a medicinal herb is a digestive aid and can help relive bloating. It also contains a compound that can ease nausea and inhibit vomiting. It is also helpful woman who have morning sickness due to pregnancy or for people suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy.

Most of what were mentioned in the prior paragraph were documented over 2000 years ago, therefore making it an age old medicinal that one can use with 100% confidence. You can eat ginger – fresh, ground, dried, candied, infused and still reap the health benefits.


The potent antibacterial properties of this spice are thymol and carvacrol. A study on oregano was found to be more effective against amoeba, which is a parasite of other organisms. This parasite also invades are bodies and the most common prescription drug used is Tinidazole. Note the side effects of this drug:

The most common side effects reported with tinidazole are upset stomach, bitter taste, diarrhea and itchiness. Other side effects which occur are headache, physical fatigue, and dizziness. Anecdotally, people who have taken both metronidazole and tinidazole report toxicity is much the same except the side effects don’t last as long with the latter.

Also drinking alcohol while taking tinidazole, causes an unpleasant disulfiram-like reaction, which includes nausea, vomiting, headache, increased blood pressure, flushing and shortness of breath.

What are the toxic side effects of using oregano against the infection caused by this invading parasite? None have been reported to date.

Oregano is also documented a potent antioxidant, rich in phytonutrients. One gram or 0.0352 ounces of fresh oregano has:

  • 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples
  • 30 times more than potatoes
  • 12 times more than oranges
  • 4 times more than blueberries



This spice is just more than adding to your apple cider juice or an apple pie. It can prohibit growth of bacteria, fungi and yeast. Cinnamon is also anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory. It prevents clumping of blood platelets. It is also able to boost brain function.

A study reported in the February 2004 Hormone Metabolism Research found that cinnamon appears to prevent insulin resistance even in animals eating a high-fructose diet. But we are not encouraging a high-fructose diet with our mention of this study.

Cinnamon has also shown to be an aide in relaxation and sleep.


It’s a potent anti-inflammatory that studies have found is just as effective as drugs like hydrocortisone, phenylbutazone and Motrin. This spice has been found to be helpful in fighting inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, cystic fibrosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s and Lyme’s disease. It’s also shown to be an aid in protecting the liver and cardiovascular system.

Turmeric is yellow in color and is one spice of a few that makes Yellow Curry spice in most Asian foods that use it.


This spice is also an anti-inflammatory and has antioxidant abilities. Sage has flavonoids, phenolic acids and oxygen-handling enzymes. All of these put together give sage its unique ability to prevent oxidized damage to cells. Sage can be used in fighting rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions like bronchial asthma and atherosclerosis.

A scientific study done (Pharmacological Biochemical Behavior) in June of 2003 found that people given sage oil extracts had improved memory abilities compared to those given a placebo. Therefore, sage can promote better brain function.

 Cayenne Chili Peppers

This pepper contains capsaicin which is known for its anti-inflammatory ability. This pepper can do many things such as that help with pain relief, releases excess mucus when the breathing passages are congested. It kills bacteria, boosts your metabolism, making it useful for possible weight loss.

It is also an aid to the cardiovascular system as it widens and strengthens blood vessels and arteries, making for better blood flow and reducing plaque buildup. It has shown to be an aid to preventing stomach cancers as well.


In animal studies parsley was shown to inhibit tumor formation in the lungs. Parsley has also shown to neutralize carcinogens, such as those found in cigarette smoke and BBQ smoke if using charcoal when grilling. Parsley is also a rich source of antioxidants and heart-protective nutrients including vitamin C, beta-carotene and folic acid.


For more articles about food and how it correlates to a healthy you visit: Savor the Food and Your Health


Article sources:


The Worlds Healthiest Foods

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C Jay Tea